The Pacific SPW-1 is a glazed steel-framed security window of large clear view area, resistant to physical attack and institutional abuse.
Pacific security doorsets can be incorporated within or adjacent to security windows and screens.
It is recommended that the advice of a security consultant be sought to confirm fitness for purpose of all window components.
Lexan® 12mm MR10 or equivalent polycarbonate glazing is recommended based on testing carried out by Pacific Door Systems Ltd. Use of polycarbonate is subject to the limitations published by the manufacturer. Alternative glazing materials are also available.
The Pacific SPW-1 is manufactured to suit required openings. Large clear view sizes are possible limited by the size of glazing material available.
The Pacific SPW-1 is not available in a timber frame
The steel frame profiles listed below are available for the SPW-1 window.
Windows can be supplied with frames finished in standard powder coat colours.
This window is suitable for installation into a timber or masonry wall of equal security construction as the window type.
The Pacific SPW-1 is not available with fire resistance ratings.