3 results

  • Ballistic Windows

    Pacific Ballistic Windows are glazed units incorporating certified Bullet Resistant Glass fitted to ballistic grade pressed steel frames. The units comply with AS/NZS 23431997:, Part 1 “Bullet Resistant Panels for Interior Use”.
  • SPW-1 Security Window

    The Pacific SPW-1 is a steel-framed security window of large clear view area. Combined with security glazing it is resistant to physical attack and institutional abuse. The SPW-1 can be attached to a security door as a sidelight or overlight to create a large 'cell front'.
  • Presto Security Window

    The Pacific Presto Security Window (PPSW) is reinforced steel box section window frame with large glazing options in terms of glass type and clear pane size. The PPSW can also be attached the Pacific Presto Security Door to create large cell front or secure areas.
Showing 3 of 3