Product Options

  • The thickness of the Armashield door leaf is 48mm (52mm for EXR 4 rating). Leaf weight is approximately 80kg/m2 (90kg/m2 for EXR 4).

    Wall TypeFire Resistance Rating (FRR)Door ApplicationMax Leaf
    Height (mm)
    Max Leaf
    Width (mm)
    MasonryNot applicableSingle or pair27001200


    1. Doors can be manufactured to any practical size to suit clients’ requirements.

    Wall Types

    This door set is tested in masonry walls only.

  • Leaf Facings

    All steel leaf with attack face in 6mm steel or 10mm hardened steel (EXR 4). Non attack (inside) face is a removable light gauge steel panel (rivet fixed as standard).

    Leaf Edges

    The Armashield Blast has leaf edges edges as shown below.

    Meeting Stiles

  • Latching hardware selection is limited to what has been tested.


    Surface-mounted closers mounted on the inside face are recommended.


    Fully mortised 4½ x 4½ Stainless steel Institutional hinges are standard on the hinged Armashield door set.

  • Timber Frame

    This door set is only available in a steel frame.

    Steel Frame

    The steel frame profiles listed below are available for the Armashield Blast door set


    Standard frames are three-sided only with no sill. Four-sided frames and/or custom sills may be available on request. For more in depth information on frame profiles and sizes, please see our Installation Instructions.

  • Vision panels are not tested in this doorset.

    If you require a vision panel in your doorset this can be accommodated but the resulting product will not be certified.


     StandardRatingDescriptionDoor applicationOrientationHardware
    Explosion resistanceEN13124EXR 412kg TNT at 4 metresSingleHinge faceMottura multi-point locking
    Explosion resistanceEN13124EXR 312kg TNT at 5.5 metresSingleHinge faceMottura multi-point locking
    Explosion resistanceEN13124EXR 23 kg TNT at 3 metresSingleHinge faceAbloy EL560 single point locking
    Explosion resistanceEN13124EXR 13 kg TNT at 5 metresSingle or pairBoth facesMottura multi-point locking

    Test results apply only to the specification and hardware described.

    This door set is suitable for both interior and sheltered exterior use.

    Thermal Insulation

    This door leaf has a thermal insulation rating (R-value) of 0.029 Km2/W.

    Security Testing

    Please talk to a Pacific Doors representative if you require a combination of security and blast resistance.

    Ballistic Testing

    A combination of explosive blast and ballistic resistance is available. Please see the Armashield Ballistic datasheet or talk to a Pacific Doors representative for more information.

Product Optional Extras

  • Push or Kickplates

    Kickplates are not generally required on this door set.

    Ventilation Grilles

    Ventilation grilles are not applicable for this door set.

    Power Transfer Devices

    Fully mortised devices, which fully conceal cables, are recommended (such as Von Duprin EPT). Hinges with integral wiring are also available.

  • Overpanels are not applicable for this door set.