4 results

  • Custodial Doors

    The below table outlines Pacific Doors range of Custodial Security door sets. These door sets have a wide range of applications from commercial security door, to the most secure prison door in New Zealand. Some of the door sets combine high level security characteristics with certified fire resistance, bullet resistance and attack resistance to ensure that there is a door to meet almost any Custodial or Security requirement.
  • Security Doors - Protector Series

    Pacific Doors offers a range of Security door sets that have been named the 'Protector' series. These door sets are designed with the intention of 'Keeping Out' any intruder on the basis that they may try to attain entry using a variety of methods such as guns, explosives or hand tools. Many of these door sets come with a certified fire rating to provide an additional level of security.
  • Security Panels

    Pacific Doors offers the below ballistic rated security panels
  • Security Windows

    Pacific Doors Security Windows suit a range of security requirements including blast, attack and bullet resistance.
Showing 4 of 4