Product Options

  • Timber-framed smoke control doors include a seal in the frame. Steel framed doors include the PFS-4 frame seal. If required, bottom seals can be selected from the Hardware list.

    The thickness of the VP60A door leaf is 48mm with an approximate leaf weight of 24kg/m2


     Wall TypeFire Resistance Rating
    Door ApplicationMax Leaf
    Height (mm)
    Max Leaf
    Width (mm)

    Timber Stud Wall

    Steel stud wall

    Masonry Wall



    1. Please note that the maximum leaf width shown above is measured per door leaf.
    2. The ‘sm’ above denotes that the door is available as a smoke control door set.
    3. The maximum area per door leaf is 2.468m2
    4. Insulation ratings must be notified at time of pricing for steel frames.
    5. Minimum width for a fire door leaf is governed by the need to fit a compliant closer. Typically, 400 mm is the practical minimum.


    Wall Types

    The VP60A can be installed in masonry walls and timber or stee stud drywalls of at least 60 minute fire resistance. 

  • Leaf Facings

    • MDF
    • Ply
    • Timber veneers
    • High pressure laminate
      up to 1.5mm thick (e.g. Laminex, Formica)
    • Kydex
    • Metal Sheet, mild or stainless (0.6 – 1.0mm) *
    • Sheet Vinyl (1.25 - 2mm)
    • Aluminium sheet (0.3 - 1mm) *


    1. Of the above facings only those marked * may extend around the door edge.
    2. Timber veneer requires FRR -/60/60 and is only available in timber frame or grouted steel frame
    3. Standard Paint Quality doors are allowed ‘non-clashed’ to provide best surface for finish painting.
    4. Other facings may be available, please contact Pacific Doors to discuss further options.

    Leaf Edge

    The leaf edges listed below are available for the VP60A door set

    Paint quality doors are non-clashed as standard.


    1. Aluminium cappings are not available for timber frame doorsets.

    Meeting Stiles

    The meeting stiles listed below are applicable to paired door sets only.

  • Timber Frame

    The timber frame profiles listed below are available for the VP60 door set.

    Timber density requirements exclude some species of timber. Timber must be a hardwood with minimum density of 580kg/m3


    Steel Frame

    The steel frame profiles listed below are available for the VP60 door set.

    The VP60 door set is available in the two-part steel frame system for fixing to walls already lined.


    1. D2 and D4 require minimum 110 mm wall thickness
    2. D2 and D4 are not available with sidelights and overlights, and are not compliant in Speedwall/Korok or James Hardie wall.
    3. D2 and D4 are limited to a fire rating of -/60/30 sm.


    Standard frames are three-sided only with no sill. Four-sided frames and/or custom sills may be available on request. Timber sills are not available on fire doorsets. For more in depth information on frame profiles and sizes, please see our Installation Instructions.

  • Glazing Type Maximum Glazed Area(mm) Max Height (mm) Max Width (mm) Glazing Bead FRR with Vision Panel
    Timber Aluminum Up to 0.065m2 Over 0.065m2
    Pyrobel* 0.152m2 750 380   -/60/60 -/60/30
    Georgian Wired 0.1256m2 850 870   -/60/60 -/60/-
    Firelite 0.1256m2 850 870   -/60/60 -/60/-


    1. Please note that the height and width of the vision panel must still fall within the maximum glazed area.
    2. A maximum of two vision panels are permitted per leaf.
    3. Glazing types marked with * indicate Grade A Safety glass.

    For 60 minute door sets with larger vision panel options, please refer to the VP60 fire door.


    Standard Vision Panel Cross Sections

    Timber Bead* Aluminium Bead
    Not Applicable for this door set
  • Acoustical performance

    An acoustic rating of STC 30 is available for this doorset. Tested frame seals are PFS-4, PFS-6 and LE1515. Tested drop seal is IS8011si.

    Doors are not acoustic tested with vision panels.

    Thermal insulation

    This door leaf has a thermal insulation rating (R-value) of 0.536 Km2/W.

Product Optional Extras

  • Push or Kickplates

    Push plates or kickplates can be of the below permitted materials and can be either surface mounted or recessed flush. Fixing may be via screws or contact adhesive only.

    • Steel (mild or Stainless)
    • Vinyl Sheets up to 2mm
    • Formica
    • Acrovyn
    • Korogard

    Ventilation Grilles

    Lorient LVH intumescent grilles are available in the following sizes:

    • 300 x 300 mm
    • 450 x 450 mm
    • 600 x 300 mm
    • 600 x 600 mm

    Please note that fire doors with ventilation grilles cannot be certified as ‘Smoke control' door sets.

    Intumescent grilles are available to a maximum rating of -/60/30.

    Two such Intumescent grilles may be fitted to each leaf separated from each other and hardware by at least 300mm (only one 600 x 600 mm grille allowed per leaf). Ventilation grilles are not suitable for exposed exterior doors.


    V-grooves are not an option on this door type.


    Bolection Moulds

    Bolection moulds must not extend to the edge of the leaf (120 mm minimum from side edges and 140 mm minimum from top edge). Care should be taken to ensure they don't clash with any door hardware or furniture.

    Bolection moulds can be to one or both faces of a leaf.

    Example patterns:


  • Overpanels

    Overpanels are not applicable for this door set. Please refer to the VP60 datasheet.

  • Sidelights and Overlights are not applicable for this door set. Please refer to the VP60 datasheet.