Product Options

  • The thickness of the TB30DA door leaf is 55mm with an approximate leaf weight of 35.2kg/m2


     Wall TypeJamb TypeFire Resistance Rating
    Door ApplicationMax Leaf
    Height (mm)
    Max Leaf
    Width (mm)

    Timber Stud Wall

    Steel Stud Wall


    Timber-/30/30Single2200 960


    1. High Acoustic values are difficult to achieve with double acting doors as it is not possible to fit drop sill seals to the door bottoms, and meeting styles present a sound path 

    Wall Types

    The TB30DA can be installed in masonry walls and timber stud and steel studd drywalls of at least 30 minute fire resistance.

  • Leaf Facings

    • MDF
    • Ply
    • Timber veneers
    • High pressure laminate
      up to 1.5mm thick (e.g. Laminex, Formica)



    1. Other facings may be available, please contact Pacific Doors to discuss further options.

    Leaf Edge


    Meeting Stiles

    This door set is not available in pair

  • Timber Frame

    The timber frame profiles listed below are available for the TB30DA door set.

    Timber density requirements exclude some species of timber. Timber must be a hardwood with minimum density of 600kg/m3


    Steel Frame

    This door set is only available in a timber frame.

  • Glazing Type Maximum Glazed Area(mm) Max Height (mm) Max Width (mm) Glazing Bead FRR with Vision Panel
    Timber Aluminum
    Pyranova 60 S3.0 (Pyro 23mm) 0.72 1200 600   -/30/30


    1. Up to two vision panels allowed in a single leaf (only when using Pyro23 glass). Please refer to the details below for limitations around two vision panels.
    2. Circular vision panels are not available.
    3. The height and width of the vision panel/s must still fall within the maximum glazed area.
    4. Vision panel only approved for 55mm Triboard.
    5. The distance between the vision panel cutout and any item of hardware shall be at least 60 mm.



    Standard Vision Panel Cross Sections

    Timber Bead* Aluminium Bead
      Not Applicable for this door set

Product Optional Extras

  • Ventilation Grilles

        Ventilation grilles are not an option on this door type.


        V-grooves are not an option on this door type.

  • Overpanels are not applicable for this door set. Please refer to the VP30DA datasheet.

  • Sidelights and Overlights are not applicable for this door set. Please refer to the VP30DA datasheet.