Product Options

  • These fire rated interconnecting door sets consist of two sets of flush panel hinged door leaves hung in a common frame with an airspace in between.

    • STC rating up to 59
    • Fire Rating up to-/60/30sm

    The door set includes frame-mounted perimeter seals and drop seals at the bottom. The SP-60-ID doors have a compression seal & threshold plate at the sill of one of the doors.

    The thickness and weight of these door sets varies depending on the configuration.

    Product Frame Type  Space Description Fire Resistance Rating
    STC/Rw Rating Door Application Max Leaf
    Height (mm)
    Max Leaf
    Width (mm)
    AFD300-46ID Common (Timber only) 65 -/60/60sm 46 Single 2400 1200
    SP-60-ID  Common (Steel or timber) 65 -/60/30sm 43 Single 2400 1200
    SP-60-ID Common (Steel or timber) 65 -/60/30sm 40 Pair 2400 1200
    AFD300-56ID Separate (Timber only) 140 -/60/60sm 56 Single 2400 1200
    AFD300-59ID Separate (Timber only) 300 -/60/60sm 59 Single 2400 1200


    1. Please note that the maximum leaf width shown above is measured per door leaf.

    Common Frame



    Wall Types

    Jambs may be connected to timber stud, steel stud* or concrete masonry. The minimum specification for each wall type is:

    • Precast concrete (100mm thickness) or grouted blockwork (190mm thickness).
    • Timber stud partitions of minimum specifications GBT60a or GBT60b. Note that steel framed SP60 door sets may only be installed in walls of minimum stud size ex 100x50mm (Gib® Fire Rated Systems).
    • Steel stud partitions of minimum specification GBS90 (timber framed doors) or GBS60 (Steel framed doors) (Gib® Fire Rated Systems).
    • Universal Wall systems GBUW60a or GBUW60b

    *Please note that the AFD300 door types are not approved for installation into steel stud walls.

    None of the fire rated interconnecting doors are approved for installation into Korok / Speedwall walls.

  • Leaf Facings

    The facings listed below are available for these door sets.

    • MDF
    • Timber Veneers *


    1. Of the above facings only those marked * may extend around the door edge.
    2. Standard Paint Quality doors are allowed ‘non-clashed’ to provide best surface for finish painting.
    3. SPA37-FD & SPA40-P  doors may have a visible ripple in the facings when painted. This is due to the method of construction of the acoustic door and cannot be altered. 
    4. Other facings may be available, please contact Pacific Doors to discuss further options.

    Leaf Edges

    Paint-quality doors have unclashed edges.

    Timber veneer faced doors are clashed on the vertical edges with solid timber.

    Meeting Stiles

    The meeting stile listed below is available for the SP-60-ID only.


  • Timber Frame

    The timber frame profiles listed below are available for these door sets. The timber species of the frame must be pine or denser (580kg/m3)


    Steel Frame

    The steel frame profiles listed below are available for the SP-60-ID door sets only.

    Standard frames are three-sided only with no sill. Four-sided frames and/or custom sills may be available on request. Timber sills are not available on fire doorsets. For more in depth information on frame profiles and sizes, please see our Installation Instructions.

  • Vision panels are not permitted on these door sets.

  • Please refer to our approved hardware list.

Product Optional Extras

  • Push or Kickplates

    Kickplates of any kind can be surface mounted to this door set.

  • Overpanels are not an option on this door set as it would impact the acoustic performance of the door set.

  • Sidelights and ovelights are not an option on these door sets as it would impact the acoustic performance of the door set.